
Usos del Vinagre...

by Urko

Buenas, Raúl comentó hace poco que su espalda le daba problemas similares a los míos. Leí algo sobre el vinagre que me llamó la atención (que ayuda a equilibrar el pH de la piel), y pensé que igual iba bien como remedio natural que valía la pena probar. Pero antes, claro, consulté con Dr. Google ...

Aquí unas listas interesantes de usos prácticos que encontré:


Vinegar is a frugal and healthy alternative

Apple cider vinegar should be used for anything personal, both inside and outside the body. Do not use white distilled vinegar as it can rob your body of essential minerals.

  1. Used as a hair rinse, vinegar neutralizes alkali left by shampoos.
    A reader says 'it will give your hair an all out shine!'

  2. Corn and callus remover - soak stale bread (a cloth would probably do as well) in vinegar, and tape over the callus or corn overnight.

  3. Age spot fader - Mix equal parts of onion juice and vinegar and use it daily on age spots. It will take a few weeks to work, just like its expensive relative from the store.

  4. Spray your hands with vinegar, or dip them in it and dry after having them in soapy water to keep your hands soft.

  5. Splash vinegar on your varicose veins.

    The vinegar is supposed to reduce the veins and relieve the pain and swelling.

  6. Use it diluted 50/50 as a skin cleanser as most soaps are alkaline.

  7. A teaspoon to a tablespoon of vinegar gets rid of hiccups.

  8. It's an ongoing battle as to whether vinegar can help you lose weight, but the ones who say it will, say to drink a glass of water before each meal in which you've added a tablespoon of vinegar and a tablespoon of honey.

  9. Rinse water for face - pour 1/8 cup in rinse water, rinse face and let it air dry (it seals the moisture in the skin)

  10. Try white vinegar on underarms and other areas of the body as a natural deodorant. Will not stop perspiration (which is not healthy anyway) but will neutralize odor.

  11. Add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to a quart of drinking water to deal with heat stress and repel mosquitos.

  12. When children get lice, put warm vinegar on the hair, dip a nit comb in vinegar to help remove nits. It is supposed to be able to break down the glue the nits use to stay attached.

  13. My dad is 77 years old and his skin on his face is so smooth and soft looking. His secret is he uses vinegar for aftershave. If he gets any rashes or pimples he uses vinegar for that as well. He drinks apple cider vinegar, honey and hot water every morning. The vinegar odor goes away very quickly when he uses it for aftershave. He started this when he always broke out in a rash after using regular aftershaves.

  14. 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar in a small tub of water. Soak your head/hair to get rid of dandruff as well as all the garbage that accumulates on your hair from shampoos and conditioners. It's absolutely amazing.

  15. For cleaning dentures - leave your dentures in vinegar for as long as you would leave them in a denture cleanser - about 15 minutes to half an hour or longer, if you wish. Then brush them thoroughly. Your dentures will be cleaner and whiter than a proprietary dental cleaner can do it!

  16. Makes a great eyeglass cleaner. Mix white vinegar 1/2 and 1/2 with water. I keep a tiny spray bottle in my purse.

  17. I mix my own facial toner using 1/2 water, 1/2 vinegar and a few aspirin. The acid in the vinegar forces old skin cells to flake off much like the store-bought alpha hydroxy products. Aspirin is my own anti-acne solution. A lot of acne products use salicylic acid, which is basically aspirin with a few differences. The aspirin won't dissolve completely, but it doesn't seem to matter. This works especially well against those deep acne spots older people often get. I've been using this twice a day for five years and people are amazed when I tell them my real age (44). One caution: Also use a face lotion with at least SPF 15 everyday- even in winter (Oil of Olay knockoffs are fairly cheap)- because the mixture will make your skin thinner just like the expensive store-bought ones will, and more susceptible to sun damage.

Hair, skin and more can be frugally cared for with vinegar

  1. I color my own hair and when I rinse, I rinse with warm water then I dilute white vinegar with water for the final rinse, as cold as I can stand. This seals your color so it doesn't fade out as quickly.

  2. Nail polish will go on smoother and stay longer if you clean your nails with white vinegar before applying it.

  3. If you have hard water put vinegar in your bath water and rinse your hair with it. It gets out residue from shampoo and conditioner.

  4. I work in fragrances we use vinegar to remove the odor of perfume you don't like.

  5. I had a rash on my hand for eight years. I had been to the doctor many times and tried different prescriptions but nothing helped. I started using vinegar and found that not only did it relieve the itching, it improved the condition so I started applying it 2-3 times a day and in two weeks, the rash was GONE!!

  6. I have had gray hair for years as I am 65, and I started drinking organic apple cider vinegar mixed in fruit juice about 3 months ago for acid reflux and arthritis problems.

    About a month later I noticed that the original black was returning to my hair color!

  7. Remove nail polish, then use white vinegar with a soft brush on fingernails to remove the yellow stain. No need to buy "yellow out."

  8. After a session of cleaning the house and yard from top to bottom, inside and out. I often get very rough, dry, cracked hands. My young child has referred to them as feeling like sand paper. I use straight vinegar as a hand wash. Rub hands together until you feel the dead shin rub away, ( about 30-45 seconds )This process will restore the moisture as well as soften your hands. This will also work on your feet. I follow with a moisturizer.

  9. I have discovered that by drinking a small tumbler of water with a small amount of cider vinegar (about a teaspoon) added in and taken most days, has made my skin extremely soft and velvety to the touch, ALL over, which is just lovely! My hubby commented on how soft my skin is, so it must be working if he has noticed! My teenage son also commented on how much brighter my complexion was looking. Much cheaper than expensive anti-ageing creams and healthier too.


2 comentarios

cheapjordans2011 -

it looks quite useful article. i would like to bookmark this site and save the code.

Urko -

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